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Serve All

Good Morning Ekklesia 

Serve All

Mark 9:35 Sitting down Jesus called the twelve, and said, anyone who wants to be first, must be the very last, and the servant of all. I am among you as one that serve. Meditation: (SERVE ALL) Yes, remember to serve all. Be ready to prove your Sonship by service. Look on all that you meet as guest in your Fathers House, to be treated with Love, with all consideration, with gentleness. As a servant of all think no work beneath you. Be ever ready to do all you can do for others. SERVE, SERVE, SERVE!!!!!!!! There is a gladness in service, a joy in doing MY WILL for others, in being My expression of all good for them. Remember that, when you serve others, you are acting for your Master, and Lord who washed his Disciples Feet. So, in service for others express your Love for me. SELAH Pastor House Assitant Pastor of Ekklesia 

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