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Make Sure God Gets the Glory

Good morning my Ekklesia Family

It's times like these I really miss my Mother. She was so God-fearing, loving and packed with wisdom and knowledge, I could go to her and ask anything and she would set me back on track. Now since I'm living without her in the midst of Covid, Racism, Riots, high unemployment, and times feeling like a pawn in a Spiritual / Political War, I wish I could talk to her once more.

So I try to imagine what she would say in circumstances like this... I hear her saying "Love and Trust God, with all of my heart, mind and soul" "Fight the Good Fight of Faith" and "Pray like Jesus prayed" All three have something in common, that is God must be first in our lives. The difficulty comes when there's so much stuff going on around us and We make the mistake of putting the stuff as our priority instead of keeping God first.

In the prayer Jesus prayed to The Father in John chapter 17 he says "I brought glory to you here on earth by completing the work you gave me to do." John 17:4

This keeps us focused. What is this work? It's our purpose, the reason why we are here... What is the glory? To glorify Him means that we are to acknowledge the greatness and splendor of His Majesty through what we do, with honor, worship and praise of which He alone is worthy because He is God of all. ... So we give the glory to God for doing the work through us. In other words, God gives us the power to do what's right to please him. So we should never say "I can never do what's right" or "I can't do this..." because God always gives you the power to do it. Now when you take the power and just promote yourself instead of God you're stealing His Glory. Make sure you're giving the glory and the credit to God for everything.

Love u more than u know

Pastor Stephan

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 Sunday Worship 12noon 



*Bible Study and Midweek Prayer  7pm

(*This service is currently On-Line Only)


3960 Cane Run Rd                      PO Box 16033

Louisville, KY 40211            Louisville, KY 40256


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