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God’s Word While Grieving Pt 2

Good morning Ekklesia,

Doing God’s Word While Grieving Part 2

In times of grief, it can feel like everything stops, including our ability to serve. Yet, James 1:22 (NLT) reminds us to "be doers of the word, not just hearers only, deceiving yourselves." Grief can paralyze us, but God calls us to continue His work, even through our pain. The pain of loss is real, but so is the strength God gives us to be doers of His Word.

Jesus, in His most agonizing moments, continued the work of the Father (John 19:30). Even on the cross, He was still ministering, forgiving, and fulfilling the Scriptures. Similarly, God calls us to keep moving in our calling, not by our strength, but through His grace. When we embrace the Word, we are not merely comforted; we are empowered to share that comfort with others.

In our grief, we may feel weak, but it is precisely in this weakness that God’s strength is made perfect (2 Corinthians 12:9). The practical life application is this: while grieving, continue to serve, pray, and trust that God is working through you. Your witness of endurance in the midst of loss may be the testimony someone else needs to see.

Heavenly Father, in this season of grief, we ask for Your strength to continue doing Your work. Help us not only to hear Your Word but to live it, even when our hearts are heavy. Grant us the grace to serve as You served, to love as You loved, and to find joy in knowing that You are with us every step of the way. In Jesus' name, Amen.

If you’ve never known the peace and strength that comes from a relationship with Jesus, now is the time. He stands ready to walk with you, even through your darkest hours. Come to Him today, and He will give you rest and purpose beyond the pain.


Pastor Stephän Kirby


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