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Lord, Alter Me

Lord, Alter Me: More Than Looks, But Truly Different

Good morning Ekklesia

In Matthew 17, we encounter a profound moment at the Transfiguration where Jesus’s face was altered, shining like the sun, and His clothes became white as light. This wasn’t just about appearance; it signified a deeper transformation that revealed His divine nature. Jesus wasn’t just altered in His looks—He was radiating His true self, His divine essence. This moment teaches us that true transformation is more than just outward change; it’s about becoming different at the core. We aren’t called just to look different but to be different—inside out—reflecting Christ in every part of our lives.

You see, many of us focus on how we appear, wanting to look like we've got it together. But God calls us to go deeper. We must desire more than just a change in appearance. We need to want and need a transformation in our hearts, minds, and spirits. True transformation happens when we allow God to alter our very being, so we not only look different but are empowered to make a difference.

The Transfiguration shows us that being in God’s presence changes us. Jesus was altered in a way that displayed His divine identity, and we too, when we spend time with God, will be transformed. We won't just shine on the outside; our hearts, motives, and actions will reflect the character of Christ. It’s not about wearing a spiritual mask but allowing God to work in us so that we shine with His love, grace, and truth.

Today, God is calling us to embrace a transformation that impacts more than our appearance—it’s about making a difference in this world. We are called to live out our faith, walking in humility, love, and purpose. When God alters you, He does it so you can bring His light to those in darkness, His hope to the hopeless, and His love to the unloved.

Father, we ask that You alter us—not just on the outside, but deeply within. Change our hearts, renew our minds, and shape our spirits. Let us shine with Your glory, making a real difference in this world. Lord, help us not to settle for surface-level change, but to be transformed by Your presence so that we can fulfill Your purpose. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

If you’re ready to experience the true transformation that only Jesus can bring, I invite you to commit your life to Him today. He wants to do more than just change the way you look; He wants to transform the way you live. Surrender to Him, and let Him alter you for His glory.


Pastor Stephän Kirby

Ekklesia Christian Life Ministries

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*Bible Study and Midweek Prayer  7pm

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Louisville, KY 40211            Louisville, KY 40256


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