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Strength in Self-Control

Proverbs 16:32 (NLT)

"Better to be patient than powerful; better to have self-control than to conquer a city."

Good morning Ekklesia

A young man named Jordan worked in construction. Every day, his boss, known for his temper, would lash out at the workers. One day, Jordan’s coworker, frustrated by the mistreatment, shouted back, quitting on the spot. Jordan, though hurt, chose patience. Instead of reacting, he continued to work, prayed for his boss, and kept his peace. Weeks later, his patience paid off. The boss, humbled by Jordan’s self-control, approached him privately and admitted, “You have something different about you. How do you stay so calm?” That moment opened a door for Jordan to share his faith, and eventually, his boss found Christ.

This proverb from Solomon contrasts two types of strength: external power (conquering a city) versus internal discipline (self-control). In ancient times, a great warrior was admired for their ability to seize cities, but God values something greater—control over one's own spirit.

Patience and self-control reflect divine strength. God Himself is slow to anger (Exodus 34:6), and Christ exemplified self-restraint, even when insulted and beaten. True spiritual maturity is not found in dominating others but in mastering oneself through the Holy Spirit.

  1. Control Your Reactions – Responding in anger often leads to regret, but patience allows room for wisdom and discernment (James 1:19).

  2. Seek God’s Strength in Weakness – When tempted to react negatively, take a breath, pray, and lean on the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).

  3. Understand the Bigger Picture – Self-control creates opportunities for peace, reconciliation, and witnessing to others about Christ (Matthew 5:16).

  4. Choose Influence Over Control – You don’t have to win every battle. Sometimes, restraint and patience open doors for God to work in ways our strength never could.

Father, I surrender my emotions to You. Help me to be patient when tested, to walk in wisdom when pressured, and to exercise self-control when provoked. Holy Spirit, mold me into a person who reflects Your peace and power. I choose Your way over my own. Strengthen me to be a light in difficult situations. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

If you’ve been struggling with anger or lack of self-control, know this—Jesus offers you His peace. He doesn’t just give power to conquer cities but power to conquer what’s inside. If you haven’t surrendered your life to Christ, today is the day. He is ready to transform you from within.

Join us at Ekklesia Christian Life Ministries—we are here to grow together in Christ. Visit to connect with us.


Peace and Blessings,

Pastor Stephan Kirby

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Louisville, KY 40211            Louisville, KY 40256


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