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The Power of Your Words

Good Morning, My Ekklesia Family!

Proverbs 18:21 (NLT) – "The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences."

This verse in Proverbs, written by Solomon, reminds us of the immense power of our words. The Hebrew word for "tongue" (lashon) represents not just speech but the influence of our words on others and ourselves. The phrase “death and life” emphasizes the extreme power our words hold—either to build up or to tear down, to encourage or to destroy.

Solomon warns that whatever we speak, we will experience. If we speak life—faith, encouragement, and truth—we will see the fruit of those words. But if we constantly speak negativity, doubt, or destruction, we will also eat the bitter fruit of our own speech.

  1. Speak Life Over Yourself – Declare God’s truth over your life! Instead of saying, “I’ll never make it,” say, “With God, all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).

  2. Bless Others with Your Words – A kind word can change someone’s entire day. Choose to be a voice of encouragement and love.

  3. Reject Negative Talk – Gossip, complaining, and negative speech can limit what God wants to do in your life. Choose words that reflect faith, hope, and victory.

  4. Align Your Words with God’s Word – The more we speak the promises of God, the more we see them come to pass in our lives. Declare the Word and watch God move!

Father, today I surrender my words to You. Help me to speak life, not death; faith, not fear; hope, not despair. Let my words be a source of encouragement, healing, and strength to those around me. Guard my tongue so that I may honor You in all that I say. I believe that as I speak Your truth, I will see Your power at work in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Family, your words have power—what will you choose to speak today? If you’ve been trapped in negative talk, make the decision to shift your language and align your words with God’s promises. If you haven’t given your life to Christ, speak this today: “Jesus, I surrender my life to You.” That one sentence can change everything!

Join us at Ekklesia Christian Life Ministries—let’s grow together in Christ! Visit us at


Peace and Blessings,

Pastor Stephan

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Louisville, KY 40211            Louisville, KY 40256


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